Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why thank you sir

So this will be a two part announcement. The first half is in regards to logistical things and the second is another treat for the riders that I am SUPER excited to announce. The first part of this is something I hadn't considered having to do, but think that it will make my life significantly easier. I am going to do a registration/roster on the blog. I am going to set the number at 30 for as of now. This isn't really a cap so much as a way for me to be able to more effectively gauge how much food/drink/volunteers I am going to really need. With a free event such as this you have a lot of sign up and drop out, or sign up without actually planning on attending, so for this race it will be rewarding to be in the first 30 to sign up and attend. The first 30 people who e-mail me,, with name, age, emergency contact and number, and geared or singlespeed will be on the official roster. "What's the big deal about being on a list, why do I care?" you may ask, well this leads me to my next piece of business...

I have said many times that I think my Oakley Jawbones are the greatest cycling glasses I have ever owned. The versitility and fit make them a must have accessory for me, and maybe for you as well. Oakley Rob has graciously agreed to donate a pair of glasses that will go to the winner. So not only will the winner get Q7 prize pack including a TEAM JERSEY, but a pair of Oakley shades too. Now, back to the 30 registered riders, the 30 on the list will be in a random drawing for ANOTHER pair of Oakleys...that's right we are giving away two pairs of Oakley sunglasses, how can it get better? Easy, a THIRD PAIR OF OAKLEYS will be given away in another manner not even yet determined but something that will be open to all participants. Oakley is setting us up with close to $600 dollars in product as well as tents and Rob's personal attendence (which is invaluable). Rob is a very important part of grassroot cycling around Iowa and the midwest, and to have him and Oakley on board is really exciting.

So get me an e-mail, I'll keep everything in order and even if you are 31 initially if someone doesn't show up you are in the mix for an extra chance at a pair of Oakley glasses. The prizes are still coming in, and soon I'll be revealing other sponsors. Stay tuned to the blog and get your e-mail in.

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